Search results for: “book”

  • Breakazine 077

    Breakazine 077

    Breakazine 077突破書誌Apr, 2024Breakthrough Publishing

  • Observations on daily life in the financial slashie

    Observations on daily life in the financial slashie

    Observations on daily life in the financial slashie金融斜槓的日常觀察 Jan 2024Scone publishing

  • A Song to Dispel a Thousand Worries

    A Song to Dispel a Thousand Worries

    A Song to Dispel a Thousand Worries一曲解千愁Au Kuan Cheong Cantonese Opera and Music Art SocietyJan. 2024

  • Treat you to a feast of Culture

    Treat you to a feast of Culture

    Treat you to a feast of Culture用文化請客食飯Guia EditoraDec, 2023

  • About


    SomethingMoon Design Ck Chiwai Cheang Full-time idiot, part-time graphic designer. Started SomethingMoon Design in 2011, offering design solutions in areas such as publication, theatre, art, illustration and branding. Based in Macau, sometimes Taipei. Handles most of the independent published works, recently ventured into curating exhibitions and organizing projects. This involves communication, visual editing and marketing campaign etc. He…

  • Urban Strollology

    Urban Strollology

    Urban Strollology城市散步學──以香港作為起點Jul, 2023Breakthrough Publishing When taking a walk, what should one look at? During the pandemic, with restrictions on mobility, many people have started seeking new pleasures in their living cities and walking has gradually become a trend. While unique architectural structures, serene pathways, and open spaces that allow for free movement are often sought…

  • Distance of Solitude

    Distance of Solitude

    Distance of Solitude獨行的距離──記錄者的觀察手記Jul, 2023Breakthrough Publishing This is a traveler’s story and also a journalist’s coming-of-age story. It is a journey of constant encounters and farewells. The traveler said that she was restless and always shuttled back and forth between “local” and “foreign” places. She observed the lives of ordinary people on the road, witnessed major…

  • A Glimpse of Mist – Winter Chiang’s Theater Photography

    A Glimpse of Mist – Winter Chiang’s Theater Photography

    A Glimpse of Mist – Winter Chiang’s Theater Photography一瞥矇矓──鄭冬的劇場攝影Jun, 2023Macao Theatre Culture Institute Like a magical spell, the sound and light flow by in an instant, capturing the essence of theater and the fleeting moments through photography. The book features 129 scenes, including stills from performances, rehearsals, and backstage. These photographs bear witness to the…

  • Beyond the end of time

    Beyond the end of time

    Beyond the end of time意猶未盡May, 2023Guia Editora

  • Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion

    Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion

    Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動Apr, 2023MyLand Culture Have you lost your soul in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The book offers 20 exercises to align your soul and body, allowing them to be each other’s companion. The author is the artist Joein Leong, who deconstructs what we take…

  • Anatomy of light

    Anatomy of light

    Anatomy of light光的解剖學陳苑珊 Jan, 2023Breakthrough Publishing

  • Performing Arts Forum Issue.51~54

    Performing Arts Forum Issue.51~54

    ↑ Issue.54, Vol.16, 2022.11 ↑ Issue.53, Vol.15, 2022.7 ↑ Issue.52, Vol.14, 2021.11 ↑ Issue.51, Vol.13, 2021.5 Performing Arts Forum劇場閱讀Macao Theatre Culture Institute “Performing Arts Forum” is the only journal magazine of theatre in Macau. It records, asks and thinks between the theater and the society, between Macau and the world Chinese theatre as well. ISSN:…

  • Searching for design files: city, theatre. 

    Searching for design files: city, theatre. 

    Searching for design files: city, theatre. 搜尋設計檔:城市、劇場 Nov, 2022 MOP/HK$80, NT$320 This is my 6th zine. 平面設計和檔案之間的關係,一直愛恨交纏。在進入離散、不連續的代碼時代,創作過程往往冰冷,面對發光螢幕,設計師的日常經驗有可能無意中被缺席。由想像到完成品之間,產生難以預期的種種文件,往往如幽靈般相遇:搜尋網站提供的無限靈感混亂地放置,需長時間消化的文稿散落檔案夾、偶發對話、花時間去篩選的圖片淹沒了原始意圖⋯⋯直到完成品顯現,一切的檔案都是在等候被描寫,被丟棄,被改寫,但過程中所有材料都不是設計,通通都只是為了指涉設計。 在我曾做過以城市為題的平面設計中,劇場是其中一個最具意識形態的藝術形式,由文本到視覺需經歷層層觀念,在與設計碰撞中,除了帶來上述的文件外,設計師還需閱讀劇場以外的集體、歷史檔案、新聞或其他主觀產物。 在傾向單純觀看的世界中,平面設計以滿足於視覺炫目為目的,背後牽涉的檔案往往缺席、邊緣、孤寂。關於文件和藝術或創作間的討論,當代藝術學家葛羅伊斯(Boris Groys)提出的理論也經常被引用,他指出各種藝術文件就是指涉藝術,而藝術因為本身就定義為藝術,反而無法被指涉為藝術,「藝術不再存在與立即被看見這個狀況變得清晰,藝術是缺席與隱藏的」。亦即是文件、檔案、文獻等雖不直接呈現藝術,但令藝術顯現,藝術文獻也成為藝術其中一個藝術生命形式,某種純粹的活動與實踐填補了藝術的缺席。 我也試着重新翻閱我所做過的設計,那些關於城市的劇場平面設計中,嘗試把各種設計檔、圖檔或文檔等等都放到公共視野之中,尤其我所選輯的演出都有其城市關心的公共議題,題目本身就已經具有一定的現實性,在多種關係中把檔案公開,或者可以給人另一種新的詮釋。

  • Weak Text: Special Issue

    Weak Text: Special Issue

    Weak Text: 12th Book Play – Special Issue 弱文本 ── 12th足跡小劇場演書節 特刊 Oct, 2022 Step Out 「弱文本」不是要說文本的衰弱,「弱」,是指文本的領導權下放,強化表演者,以至各創作領域的選擇與創造,主動編織出自己的「演繹」,建築起共存而非服務關係,提供觀眾更具透視感的劇場審美空間。它最終導向一種美學上的選擇,另一種秩序下的創作旅程,另一類演出製作的模式。

  • Our land: Estates of the realm

    Our land: Estates of the realm

    Our land: Estates of the realm土地──地產政權時代Dec 2021AAMacau MediaBuy informationISBN: 978-99965-681-2-1Price: MOP 150 / NTD 600 澳門的城市規劃,從來受到兩種城市性格所形塑:官僚城市、投機城市!這是一本紀錄了澳門城市中最風雲變幻的期間,書中談及那些你每天經過的地方,背後藏著太多不為人知的事──只要睜眼看看,這些新建的豪宅,發展商是如何取得土地?如何變更用途?如何加高加大項目的發展空間?大概就可以明白,《土地》所講的,就是特區成立後的城市規劃是個甚麼樣子。 A book about the Macau’s policies of urban planning and opaque decision-making.

  • The New World of Amusement and Death

    The New World of Amusement and Death

    The New World of Amusement and Death – Video Creation Project娛樂至死新世界♥影像創作計劃Nov, 2021Comuna de Pedra Interpreting dystopian classic “Brave New World” in five compelling videos ▶ “Germless Civilization (無菌文明)” by Jenny Mok▶ “But we’ve got vacuum cleaners here (掃地交給吸塵器好了)” by Nip Man Teng▶ “LIVE” by Peeko Wong▶ “There Ain’t No Such Thing as A Free Lunch…

  • Re Cycle

    Re Cycle

    Re Cycle: Macao Theatre Documents Exhibition 2021Re Cycle:澳門劇場文件展2021Nov, 2021Macau Theatre culture Institute Curators: Mok Sio Chong, Wong Weng SiArtist: Wong Weng Si 2021.11.9-12.12, 14:00-19:00 Re-running and reproduce provide ways for the shows to be recycled. From rehearsal to performance to ending, each show only has a very short life cycle. Re-running and reproduce provide ways…

  • Truck back to the south

    Truck back to the south

    Truck back to the south – Short stories of The New Territories West南歸貨車──新界西短篇故事集Jan, 2021PostScript Cultural Collaboration Author: Ching Hang Wong 王証恒Illustration: Cowcowtony 柳廣成Published: PostScript Cultural CollaborationISBN 978-988-78021-7-4 香港充滿了生命的瘀傷,大字報式突顯寫實的赤裸。Hong Kong is a bruises of life, big typographic cover highlight the realism and nakedness.

  • Performing Arts Forum Vol.0~12

    Performing Arts Forum Vol.0~12

    ↑ Vol.12, issue.50, 2020.11. ↑ Vol.11, issue.49, 2020.9, cover illustration by COLAKA. ↑ Vol.10, issue.48, 2020.8, cover illustration by Wendy W Wong. ↑ Vol.9, issue.47, 2020.2 ↑ Vol.8, issue.46, 2019.12. ↑ Vol.7, issue.45, 2019.9, cover photo by Craig Whitehead. ↑ Vol.6, issue.44, 2019.6, cover illustration by CHOU YI. ↑ Vol.5, issue.43, 2019.3, cover photo by…

  • Nowhere to…

    Nowhere to…

    Nowhere to…Macau Theatre Document Exhibition 2020澳門劇場文件展二〇二〇Macau Theatre culture InstituteOct, 2020 黑吸收了所有色光,把物件都隱藏起來。 2〇⒇年六月⒄日至7月⒃日⊕14:00-19:00免費入場 Entrada livre6.17 – 7.1614:00-19:00Biblioteca de Teatro de Macau 澳門劇場圖書室 Curator. Siochong MokArtist. Wendy W WongVisual designer. Something MoonOrganization. MTC Under the influence of the COVID-19 in 2020, performances were cancelled one by one, as drowned in the darkness. The exhibition team collected more…