No master, daily work – The 9th Small Theater Festival BOOK PLAYS
沒有大師﹅日常用功 第九屆足跡小劇場演書節
Step Out 足跡
Nov 2018

The “BOOK PLAY Festival” has been a small theater festival from reading to performance since 2010. Every year, the possibilities of theater and reading are explored in different form and themes. The “No master, daily work” focus on actors, as a reader exploring profound reading, learn to open a page of performer.

「足跡小劇場演書節」從2010年開始一直抱著從閱讀到表演 ❜ 跨界實驗的小劇場精神❜每年以不同形式﹅主題探索劇場與閱讀之間的種種可能 •「第九屆足跡小劇場演書節」以演員為核心 ❜ 將「演員」作為讀本 ❜ 探索演員可讀的厚度 ❜ 一個表演者可翻開的頁數 •