Book Play 11 – A Day In The Life
演書節 11 ── 詞話人間
Step Out 足跡
Sep, 2021
“Literariness” extends beyond the adaptation of literary works. It not only tells a story or conveys meaning but also emphasizes the unique aesthetic experience of the audience in the context of theatrical performance. The 11th Footprint Small Theater Festival will focus on the transformation from “literariness” to “performanceness,” exploring how to provide the audience with aesthetic experiences beyond mere meaning during the process of theater appreciation and through the language and actions of the performers. The festival aims to create a space where the audience can engage with the beauty of the performance beyond its narrative significance.
《詞話人間》始於今年一月至六月期間的「轉化——創作性表演者訓練」,參加者各自選演一首唐/宋詞或流行歌詞,在梁建婷、盧頌寧、莫兆忠、杜國康四位導師指導下,各自編作出一段個人獨白作「表演實踐」,並在六月中旬作內部呈現。從六月走到九月,《詞話人間》將以英國樂隊The Beatles 名曲A Day In The Life的歌詞為藍本,在六月份「表演實踐」的基礎上,以集體編作的方式進行重寫與拼貼。