Search results for: “other”

  • Another way to think of theatre

    Another way to think of theatre

    Another way to think of theatre – Macau Theatre Symposium 2024另眼看劇場:澳門劇場研討會二〇二四Mar, 2024

  • Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion

    Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion

    Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動Apr, 2023MyLand Culture Have you lost your soul in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The book offers 20 exercises to align your soul and body, allowing them to be each other’s companion. The author is the artist Joein Leong, who deconstructs what we take…

  • Carlos I

    Carlos I

    Carlos I嘉路士一世May, 2022Step Out Online Flyer 第三十二屆澳門藝術節節目,沒有演員的劇場,流動的光影、聲音與空間才是表演。輪胎輾過,濺起十九世紀的浪花;運沙船載著二十一世紀的海岸想像。踏前、張望、聆聽,在冠上國王名號的舊船塢漫遊,船塢的歷史軌跡連結想像與慾望。足跡多年來透過田野調查,結合地方志、口述歷史和其他素材,創作了一系列結合澳門城市空間與文物建築的劇場作品,探索城市發展及地區歷史等命題。《嘉路士一世》以舊日的嘉路士一世船塢為創作起點,發展出一套澳門罕見的技術劇場創作——在這場演出中,沒有演員,只有燈光、聲響和空間裝置等引領觀眾展開想像。誠邀你一起在舊船塢散步過去、追尋未來。恭喜!你已經通過這場聯覺測試。 32nd Macao Arts Festival. In a theatre without actors, the moving light and shade, sound and space combine to create the performance. The tyres throw up waves from the 19th century, and sand barges carry the imagination of a coast from the 21st century. Step forward, look, listen,…

  • Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times!

    Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times!

    FREE for using, non-commercially Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times.Five demands, not one less.Support Each Other, Hong Kong And Macau.光復香港 時代革命五大訴求 缺一不可港澳連枝 風雨扶持 Jun~?, 2019 . 香港反送中運動發展至今,在澳門的我們也能感同身受。我們相信群體的力量,無論是任何的歷史、文化等原因,都注定我們逃不過要共同面對的時代巨人。我們同時也十分了解澳門這片土地,對於普世價值的冷淡及沉默,「一個有錢派而對社會不公沉默的地方」,但我們不會同意這種描述,所以我們更要啟發更多的獨立思考。 毫無疑問這次運動所涉及的已經不止「送中」本身,就算身在不同立場,也認知到這是對自由和良知的捍衛,我們一直會反問自己,對政府、警察這個人民「公僕」及「保姆」產生極大疑問,我們所看到的到底什麼才是正義?長久以來所凝視的價值在逐步崩壞,所以我們才需要想盡辦法一點一滴再重組,是用我們的雙手保護脆弱的公義,力抗殘酷的現實,因為嚮往自由就如發亮的星星一樣,我們平常不會太留意,但總在黑夜照耀我們所愛的所有。 在高牆和雞蛋中的選擇也不言而喻。澳、港,唇齒相依。

  • The Moment

    The Moment

    The Moment此時此刻Comuna de PedraDec 2019 A theatre base on “1984” and “ON TYRANNY”.Big Brother is watching you. The moment is coming……More info for “The Moment”. The greatest fear comes from fear itself. Countless eyes on the head, hovering day and night, shining in reality. An invisible fight is beginning at this moment, as “Big Brother…

  • Old House

    Old House

    Old House Bakery, Old House Studio老房子麵包 老房子工作室Oct 2018 Old House Bakery (FB fan page) make handmade bread, desserts with high-quality ingredients, refuse chemical additives. Try to use handmade organic farm fruits, vegetables and herbs as ingredients. Some are also made in rice, vegan or gluten-free. Old House Studio (FB fan page) is expected to create a…

  • Macau Drama Yearbook 2016

    Macau Drama Yearbook 2016

    Macau Drama Yearbook 2016二〇一六澳門戲劇年鑑Aug 2018 The written record seems like the polar light, the frame of the Macau theater stage is frozen. Looking back the stage of Macau Theater, just from another angle to explore the development track of this small city. A way of organizing Macao’s drama materials, an integral part of Macao’s cultural…

  • No one should be afraid of a book

    No one should be afraid of a book

    No one should be afraid of a book書無不可對人言Ox WarehouseJul, 2015 This is a personal experience to praise the freedom of publishing and expression. When deciding where to publish and print the book, Even though the technology is good enough in Macau, in fact, we want to be close to motherland. But it just happened that…